står den enskilda individen på tur
Och det är hög tid att ta säkerheten från "stor-bolags-världen" till ditt hem och mindre företag, vi är tyvärr där så som världen utvecklas. Och vi vill givetvis använda vår passion kring säkerhet till alla de övriga som upplever att de inte får den hjälp som behövs. Vi är NetDefens Sweden AB.
Ajax Systems inbrottsskydd är certifierade för att uppfylla internationella och regionala säkerhetsstandarder. De uppfyller försäkringskrav för privat egendom. Oavsett om de är trådbundna eller trådlösa, erbjuder enheterna enkel installation och konfiguration, vilket säkerställer pålitligt skydd för hus i alla storlekar. Privat bostad som företagslokaler.
NetDefense är auktoriserat säkerhetsföretag och partner till Ajax System. I och med det kan vi erbjuda installationer som tillval. Vi erbjuder även 24/7 larmcentral med väktarutryckning som tillval. Allt för att göra säkerhet enkelt för dig.
Network Security
I samband med Finlands och Sveriges Natoansökan 2021 blev Sverige ett legitimt prioriterat mål från främmande makt. Cyberattacker steg då med 40%, och totalt sett 164% i världen enligt International Data Corporation (IDC). Det gör cyberkriminalitet till den tredje största världsekonomin idag som omsätter flera miljarder på vanliga medborgares bekostnad.
Företag har länge prioriterat säkerhet då de i regel har mycket skyddsvärd data. De regleras även av straffbara lagar som NIS2-direktiven som ställer krav på dennes cybersäkerhet.
Idag är vi tyvärr där att alla måste tänka på sin cybersäkerhet och bidraga till en tryggare privat cybermiljö. Möjligheterna att utnyttja sårbarheter genom undermålig och omodern teknik hos stora företag begränsas i takt med investeringar, då är det småföretagen och den enskilda individen som står på tur. Riktade attacker ökade med 80% under pandemin då fler och fler jobbar på distans i ett osäkert nätverk med undermålig teknik.
Data Protection
Tänk på dataskydd som en digital säkerhetsvakt som skyddar din personliga information. Här är varför det är så viktigt:
Skyddar din integritet: Dataskydd ser till att din privata information förblir privat. Ingen vill att deras personliga detaljer ska hamna i fel händer!
Förhindrar identitetsstöld: Genom att skydda dina data minskar risken för att någon stjäl din identitet och använder den för bedrägerier.
Bygger förtroende: Företag som tar dataskydd på allvar visar att de bryr sig om sina kunder, vilket bygger lojalitet och förtroende.
Lagkrav: Många lagar kräver att företag skyddar dina data. Genom att följa dessa regler undviker företag böter och andra problem.
Kort sagt, dataskydd handlar om att hålla din information säker och skyddad, vilket gör ditt digitala liv tryggare och mer pålitligt.
Our products
Ajax TurretCam (8 MP/4 mm)
NDAA-compliant IP camera with smart IR illumination and built-in AI analysis. Users can view live images and recorded material via the Ajax app.
The camera connects to an Ajax system just like other products by scanning a QR code.
For video storage, install a microSD card or connect the camera to an Ajax NVR with a hard drive installed.
In combination with an Ajax Hub, you can also set whether a camera should record continuously or only when the alarm is activated.
No Hub required
The cameras can operate completely independently of Ajax alarm hubs, allowing you to build a pure camera setup in the Ajax app with or without an NVR.
AI detection
The camera can detect if it is a human, animal, or vehicle, and this can be filtered in the app. To enable this detection, you need to install a microSD card for a standalone camera solution or connect the camera to store on an Ajax NVR.
The cameras can be part of various scenarios where they can be used for alarm verification. If a certain detector alarms, you can have one or more cameras show what is happening in the facility.
Built-in accelerometer
The camera has a built-in accelerometer that responds to changes in the camera's position or if it is subjected to shocks or impacts.
All Ajax hubs and Ajax NVR
Resolution: 8MP, 3840x2160px, 20fps
Lens: 4mm, FoV 75-85 degrees
Image streams: max 5
Image compression: H264/H.265
IR illumination: up to 35m automatic day and night automation
Built-in microphone: Yes, G722 codec
microSD card: 8 to 256GB (not included)
IP rating: IP65
Power supply: PoE 802.3at and 12VDC, 1A
Temperature range: -25 to +40 degrees, 90%
NDAA-compliant IP camera with smart IR illumination and built-in AI analysis. Users can view live images and recorded material via the Ajax app.
The camera connects to an Ajax system just like other products by scanning a QR code.
For video storage, install a microSD card or connect the camera to an Ajax NVR with a hard drive installed.
In combination with an Ajax Hub, you can also set whether a camera should record continuously or only when the alarm is activated.
No Hub required
The cameras can operate completely independently of Ajax alarm hubs, allowing you to build a pure camera setup in the Ajax app with or without an NVR.
AI detection
The camera can detect if it is a human, animal, or vehicle, and this can be filtered in the app. To enable this detection, you need to install a microSD card for a standalone camera solution or connect the camera to store on an Ajax NVR.
The cameras can be part of various scenarios where they can be used for alarm verification. If a certain detector alarms, you can have one or more cameras show what is happening in the facility.
Built-in accelerometer
The camera has a built-in accelerometer that responds to changes in the camera's position or if it is subjected to shocks or impacts.
All Ajax hubs and Ajax NVR
Resolution: 8MP, 3840x2160px, 20fps
Lens: 4mm, FoV 75-85 degrees
Image streams: max 5
Image compression: H264/H.265
IR illumination: up to 35m automatic day and night automation
Built-in microphone: Yes, G722 codec
microSD card: 8 to 256GB (not included)
IP rating: IP65
Power supply: PoE 802.3at and 12VDC, 1A
Temperature range: -25 to +40 degrees, 90%
Ajax Doorbell (8EU) ASP
DoorBell combines the convenience of a smart doorbell with advanced security and video surveillance. When someone rings the doorbell, the user speaks to the visitor directly, without delays or delays. Equipped with a PIR sensor and built-in AI, DoorBell detects movements accurately and recognizes people, animals and vehicles. Users can always get a clear picture of what's happening at the front door, all in outstanding quality thanks to the doorbell's wide HDR camera.
Two-way communication
Clear and loud voice communication between users and visitors near the device.
Motion detection
The device detects motion using a built-in PIR sensor and frame analysis in software.
Object detection with AI:
Smart IR lighting up to 6 m
Automatic adjustment of intensity in real time to avoid overexposure. This allows you to see objects that are far away or too close to the camera in low light.
Visual verification of Ajax alerts
The system allows you to set a scenario when Ajax detectors activate selected cameras to start recording. The result is immediately sent to the mobile or desktop monitoring app.
DoorBell combines the convenience of a smart doorbell with advanced security and video surveillance. When someone rings the doorbell, the user speaks to the visitor directly, without delays or delays. Equipped with a PIR sensor and built-in AI, DoorBell detects movements accurately and recognizes people, animals and vehicles. Users can always get a clear picture of what's happening at the front door, all in outstanding quality thanks to the doorbell's wide HDR camera.
Two-way communication
Clear and loud voice communication between users and visitors near the device.
Motion detection
The device detects motion using a built-in PIR sensor and frame analysis in software.
Object detection with AI:
Smart IR lighting up to 6 m
Automatic adjustment of intensity in real time to avoid overexposure. This allows you to see objects that are far away or too close to the camera in low light.
Visual verification of Ajax alerts
The system allows you to set a scenario when Ajax detectors activate selected cameras to start recording. The result is immediately sent to the mobile or desktop monitoring app.
Ajax MotionCam (PhOD) Jeweler (8EU) ASP
Wireless camera detector 12m with pet immunity for indoor installation.
The detector can send images as photo verification in three different events:
- When the alarm is connected and movement is detected, images are sent for photo verification.
- Automatically takes pictures for verification when a smoke detector is activated.
- Users can take pictures themselves at any time. These images are not forwarded to the alarm center.
Sensitivity setting in 3 levels.
The camera has IR lighting that is activated automatically at night. The detector also has a built-in temperature sensor to measure the ambient temperature.
Compatibility: Requires Hub 2, Hub 2 Plus or Hub Hybrid 4G and ReX 2.
ATTENTION! To install these, it is required that the Hub is updated to firmware 2.13 or later!
Detection distance: IR 12m
Detection angle: IR 80°
Camera angle: Horizontal 88.5°
Camera resolution: up to 640x480, 1-5 images sent
Wireless range: up to 1700m free terrain
Battery type: 2 pcs CR123A, 3V included
Battery life: up to 4 years
Temperature range and humidity: -10°C to +40°C, 75%
IP rating: IP50
Pet immunity: up to 20kg, up to 50cm
Installation height: 2.4m
Wireless camera detector 12m with pet immunity for indoor installation.
The detector can send images as photo verification in three different events:
- When the alarm is connected and movement is detected, images are sent for photo verification.
- Automatically takes pictures for verification when a smoke detector is activated.
- Users can take pictures themselves at any time. These images are not forwarded to the alarm center.
Sensitivity setting in 3 levels.
The camera has IR lighting that is activated automatically at night. The detector also has a built-in temperature sensor to measure the ambient temperature.
Compatibility: Requires Hub 2, Hub 2 Plus or Hub Hybrid 4G and ReX 2.
ATTENTION! To install these, it is required that the Hub is updated to firmware 2.13 or later!
Detection distance: IR 12m
Detection angle: IR 80°
Camera angle: Horizontal 88.5°
Camera resolution: up to 640x480, 1-5 images sent
Wireless range: up to 1700m free terrain
Battery type: 2 pcs CR123A, 3V included
Battery life: up to 4 years
Temperature range and humidity: -10°C to +40°C, 75%
IP rating: IP50
Pet immunity: up to 20kg, up to 50cm
Installation height: 2.4m
Ajax KeyPad TouchScreen (8EU) ASP
Wireless control panel with 5 inch touch screen, BLE and built-in DESfire reader for AJAX access tags and cards. With the built-in BLE function, you can use your mobile as an access card. The screen provides a recognizable user interface that looks like the Ajax app. By moving your hand in front of the control panel, the screen is activated automatically. The screen brightness is adjusted automatically. The control panel also has built-in sound indication for alarms, entry/exit and ding dong signal.
The number of scenarios that can be managed on the screen to control e.g. relay modules or lighting buttons are 6 pcs.
The control panel takes a siren place, which means that you can have a maximum of 10 sirens or control panels in a facility.
Compatibility: Hub 2, Hub 2 Plus, Hub Hybrid 2G and 4G and repeater ReX 2
Wireless range: up to 1700m free terrain
Battery type: 6 lithium AA (FR6), 1.5V included
Battery life: up to 1.5 years.
External power supply (optional): 10.5-14 VDC, 0.5A. The batteries then become a backup.
Screen resolution: 480x854px
Temperature range and humidity: -10°C to +40°C, 75%
Reader type: DESFire® EV1, EV2 ISO14443-A (13.56MHz)
Number of users: Hub 2 up to 50, Hub 2 Plus up to 200
Wireless control panel with 5 inch touch screen, BLE and built-in DESfire reader for AJAX access tags and cards. With the built-in BLE function, you can use your mobile as an access card. The screen provides a recognizable user interface that looks like the Ajax app. By moving your hand in front of the control panel, the screen is activated automatically. The screen brightness is adjusted automatically. The control panel also has built-in sound indication for alarms, entry/exit and ding dong signal.
The number of scenarios that can be managed on the screen to control e.g. relay modules or lighting buttons are 6 pcs.
The control panel takes a siren place, which means that you can have a maximum of 10 sirens or control panels in a facility.
Compatibility: Hub 2, Hub 2 Plus, Hub Hybrid 2G and 4G and repeater ReX 2
Wireless range: up to 1700m free terrain
Battery type: 6 lithium AA (FR6), 1.5V included
Battery life: up to 1.5 years.
External power supply (optional): 10.5-14 VDC, 0.5A. The batteries then become a backup.
Screen resolution: 480x854px
Temperature range and humidity: -10°C to +40°C, 75%
Reader type: DESFire® EV1, EV2 ISO14443-A (13.56MHz)
Number of users: Hub 2 up to 50, Hub 2 Plus up to 200
Ajax DomeCam Mini (8 MP/4 mm)
NDAA-compliant IP camera with smart IR lighting and built-in AI analysis. Users can view live images and recorded footage via the Ajax app.
The camera is connected to an Ajax system just like other products by scanning a QR code.
For video material storage, a microSD card is installed or the camera is connected to an Ajax NVR with a hard drive mounted.
In combination with an Ajax Hub, you can also set whether a camera should record all the time or only when the alarm is activated.
Does not require a Hub
The cameras can function as completely independent Ajax alarm hubs and you can thus build a clean camera system in the Ajax app with or without NVR.
AI detection
The camera can detect whether it is a person, animal or a vehicle and this can be filtered in the app. If you want the camera to be able to detect this, you need to install a microSD card for a stand-alone camera solution or you connect the camera to store on an Ajax NVR.
The cameras can be included in various scenarios where they can be used as alarm verification. If a certain detector alarms, one or more cameras may have been connected to show what is happening in the facility.
Built-in accelerometer
The camera has a built-in accerometer that reacts if the camera's position is moved or if it is subjected to shocks or blows.
All Ajax hubs and Ajax NVRs
Resolution: 8MP, 3840x2160px, 20fps
Lens: 4mm, FoV 75-85 degrees
Image streams: max 5
Image compression: H264/H.265
IR lighting: up to 35m automatic day and night automatic
Built-in microphone: Yes, G722 codec
microSD card: 8 to 256GB (not included)
IP class: IP65
Power supply: PoE 802.3at and 12VDC, 1A
Temperature range: -25 to +40 degrees, 90%
NDAA-compliant IP camera with smart IR lighting and built-in AI analysis. Users can view live images and recorded footage via the Ajax app.
The camera is connected to an Ajax system just like other products by scanning a QR code.
For video material storage, a microSD card is installed or the camera is connected to an Ajax NVR with a hard drive mounted.
In combination with an Ajax Hub, you can also set whether a camera should record all the time or only when the alarm is activated.
Does not require a Hub
The cameras can function as completely independent Ajax alarm hubs and you can thus build a clean camera system in the Ajax app with or without NVR.
AI detection
The camera can detect whether it is a person, animal or a vehicle and this can be filtered in the app. If you want the camera to be able to detect this, you need to install a microSD card for a stand-alone camera solution or you connect the camera to store on an Ajax NVR.
The cameras can be included in various scenarios where they can be used as alarm verification. If a certain detector alarms, one or more cameras may have been connected to show what is happening in the facility.
Built-in accelerometer
The camera has a built-in accerometer that reacts if the camera's position is moved or if it is subjected to shocks or blows.
All Ajax hubs and Ajax NVRs
Resolution: 8MP, 3840x2160px, 20fps
Lens: 4mm, FoV 75-85 degrees
Image streams: max 5
Image compression: H264/H.265
IR lighting: up to 35m automatic day and night automatic
Built-in microphone: Yes, G722 codec
microSD card: 8 to 256GB (not included)
IP class: IP65
Power supply: PoE 802.3at and 12VDC, 1A
Temperature range: -25 to +40 degrees, 90%
Ajax BulletCam (8 MP/4 mm)
NDAA-compliant IP camera with smart IR illumination and built-in AI analysis. Users can view live images and recorded material via the Ajax app.
The camera connects to an Ajax system just like other products by scanning a QR code.
For video storage, install a microSD card or connect the camera to an Ajax NVR with a hard drive installed.
In combination with an Ajax Hub, you can also set whether a camera should record continuously or only when the alarm is activated.
No Hub required
The cameras can operate completely independently of Ajax alarm hubs, allowing you to build a pure camera setup in the Ajax app with or without an NVR.
AI detection
The camera can detect if it is a human, animal, or vehicle, and this can be filtered in the app. To enable this detection, you need to install a microSD card for a standalone camera solution or connect the camera to store on an Ajax NVR.
The cameras can be part of various scenarios where they can be used for alarm verification. If a certain detector alarms, you can have one or more cameras show what is happening in the facility.
Built-in accelerometer
The camera has a built-in accelerometer that responds to changes in the camera's position or if it is subjected to shocks or impacts.
All Ajax hubs and Ajax NVR
Resolution: 8MP, 3840x2160px, 20fps
Lens: 4mm, FoV 75-85 degrees
Image streams: max 5
Image compression: H264/H.265
IR illumination: up to 35m automatic day and night automation
Built-in microphone: Yes, G722 codec
microSD card: 8 to 256GB (not included)
IP rating: IP65
Power supply: PoE 802.3at and 12VDC, 1A
Temperature range: -25 to +40 degrees, 90%
NDAA-compliant IP camera with smart IR illumination and built-in AI analysis. Users can view live images and recorded material via the Ajax app.
The camera connects to an Ajax system just like other products by scanning a QR code.
For video storage, install a microSD card or connect the camera to an Ajax NVR with a hard drive installed.
In combination with an Ajax Hub, you can also set whether a camera should record continuously or only when the alarm is activated.
No Hub required
The cameras can operate completely independently of Ajax alarm hubs, allowing you to build a pure camera setup in the Ajax app with or without an NVR.
AI detection
The camera can detect if it is a human, animal, or vehicle, and this can be filtered in the app. To enable this detection, you need to install a microSD card for a standalone camera solution or connect the camera to store on an Ajax NVR.
The cameras can be part of various scenarios where they can be used for alarm verification. If a certain detector alarms, you can have one or more cameras show what is happening in the facility.
Built-in accelerometer
The camera has a built-in accelerometer that responds to changes in the camera's position or if it is subjected to shocks or impacts.
All Ajax hubs and Ajax NVR
Resolution: 8MP, 3840x2160px, 20fps
Lens: 4mm, FoV 75-85 degrees
Image streams: max 5
Image compression: H264/H.265
IR illumination: up to 35m automatic day and night automation
Built-in microphone: Yes, G722 codec
microSD card: 8 to 256GB (not included)
IP rating: IP65
Power supply: PoE 802.3at and 12VDC, 1A
Temperature range: -25 to +40 degrees, 90%
Ajax IndoorCam (8EU) ASP
IndoorCam kombinerar bekvämligheten med Wi-Fi-kameror med avancerade säkerhetsfunktioner. Dess reservkommunikationskanal med en Ajax-hub säkerställer att anläggningen aldrig faller utom synhåll, även om Wi-Fi försvinner. Utrustad med en PIR-sensor och inbyggd AI, upptäcker enheten exakt rörelser och känner igen människor, djur och fordon. Användare kan alltid få en tydlig bild av inomhusaktivitet i enastående kvalitet tack vare IndoorCams vidvinkel HDR-kamera.
Tydlig och hög röstkommunikation mellan användare och enheten.
Enheten känner av rörelser med hjälp av en inbyggd PIR-sensor och bildramsanalys i programvara.
Objektdetektering med AI:
Smart IR-belysning
upp till 8 m
Automatisk justering av intensitet i realtid för att undvika överexponering. Detta gör att du kan se objekt som är långt borta eller för nära kameran i svagt ljus.
Visuell verifiering av Ajax-larm
Systemet låter dig ställa in ett scenario när Ajax-detektorer aktiverar utvalda kameror för att börja spela in. Resultatet skickas omedelbart till mobil- eller skrivbordsövervakningsappen.
För tvåvägskommunikation och ljudinspelning på platsen.
IndoorCam kombinerar bekvämligheten med Wi-Fi-kameror med avancerade säkerhetsfunktioner. Dess reservkommunikationskanal med en Ajax-hub säkerställer att anläggningen aldrig faller utom synhåll, även om Wi-Fi försvinner. Utrustad med en PIR-sensor och inbyggd AI, upptäcker enheten exakt rörelser och känner igen människor, djur och fordon. Användare kan alltid få en tydlig bild av inomhusaktivitet i enastående kvalitet tack vare IndoorCams vidvinkel HDR-kamera.
Tydlig och hög röstkommunikation mellan användare och enheten.
Enheten känner av rörelser med hjälp av en inbyggd PIR-sensor och bildramsanalys i programvara.
Objektdetektering med AI:
Smart IR-belysning
upp till 8 m
Automatisk justering av intensitet i realtid för att undvika överexponering. Detta gör att du kan se objekt som är långt borta eller för nära kameran i svagt ljus.
Visuell verifiering av Ajax-larm
Systemet låter dig ställa in ett scenario när Ajax-detektorer aktiverar utvalda kameror för att börja spela in. Resultatet skickas omedelbart till mobil- eller skrivbordsövervakningsappen.
För tvåvägskommunikation och ljudinspelning på platsen.
Ajax DoorProtect Plus (8EU) ASP
Wireless magnetic connector that has a built-in tilt/shock sensor as well as an external input for connecting wired sensors. Comes with both a small and a large magnet. The magnetic contact has a built-in temperature sensor to measure the ambient temperature.
Compatibility: All Ajax hubs, repeaters, ocBridge and uartBridge
Detection distance: Small magnet 1cm, large 2cm
Tilt: more than 5°
Wireless range: up to 1200m free terrain
Battery type: CR123A, 3V included
Battery life: up to 5 years
Temperature range and humidity: -10°С to +40°С, 75%
Wireless magnetic connector that has a built-in tilt/shock sensor as well as an external input for connecting wired sensors. Comes with both a small and a large magnet. The magnetic contact has a built-in temperature sensor to measure the ambient temperature.
Compatibility: All Ajax hubs, repeaters, ocBridge and uartBridge
Detection distance: Small magnet 1cm, large 2cm
Tilt: more than 5°
Wireless range: up to 1200m free terrain
Battery type: CR123A, 3V included
Battery life: up to 5 years
Temperature range and humidity: -10°С to +40°С, 75%
NetDefense RMM
As a customer of ours, you always have the option of ongoing support here via our chat. But if you still want more, you can choose NetDefense RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management).
We monitor and ensure the operation of your environment and act on ongoing deviations or attacks.
When paying on a monthly basis, you select the option "Monthly basis" and complete a purchase of SEK 995 for month 1. We will then draw up a separate agreement with you for the remaining period and agreed price per month.
Time beyond the agreement (1h/month) is billed continuously per 30 min at SEK 625 excl. VAT.
As a customer of ours, you always have the option of ongoing support here via our chat. But if you still want more, you can choose NetDefense RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management).
We monitor and ensure the operation of your environment and act on ongoing deviations or attacks.
When paying on a monthly basis, you select the option "Monthly basis" and complete a purchase of SEK 995 for month 1. We will then draw up a separate agreement with you for the remaining period and agreed price per month.
Time beyond the agreement (1h/month) is billed continuously per 30 min at SEK 625 excl. VAT.
WiFi & Network Health check
Not sure if your network is properly configured and secured? Is your WiFi unstable and lacking full coverage? Let's do a health check. You will receive a report with recommended actions to obtain a secure network and optimized WiFi for maximum performance.
We look at:
- Firewall and regulations
- Antivirus protection on computers and firewall
- Intrusion and Ransomware protection
- Design of networks based on area of use
- Your property and location of access points based on distance, load for number of connected devices, as well as materials in the property that can interfere with the quality of WiFi
Not sure if your network is properly configured and secured? Is your WiFi unstable and lacking full coverage? Let's do a health check. You will receive a report with recommended actions to obtain a secure network and optimized WiFi for maximum performance.
We look at:
- Firewall and regulations
- Antivirus protection on computers and firewall
- Intrusion and Ransomware protection
- Design of networks based on area of use
- Your property and location of access points based on distance, load for number of connected devices, as well as materials in the property that can interfere with the quality of WiFi
Cyber Security Audit
A Cyber Security Audit is a process where IT systems and routines are reviewed and evaluated to ensure that they meet the desired goals, and comply with current standards. The results are summarized in a report that includes identified deficiencies and recommendations for improvements. The goal is to ensure a secure, efficient and compliant IT environment.
1. Requirements
We carry out a statement of requirements and classification of your object of protection.
2. Current situation analysis
Based on the classification we obtained, a current situation analysis is made and we dive deep into the requirements. A health check is carried out on the existing environment to see if the requirements are met technically.
3. Action plan
A concrete action plan with measures, selection of products, introduction, handover and training. IT Does Matter.
Areas we cover:
- Firewall & Network Design
- Data protection
- Privacy & Security
- Client protection
- Monitoring
- Behavior patterns
A Cyber Security Audit is a process where IT systems and routines are reviewed and evaluated to ensure that they meet the desired goals, and comply with current standards. The results are summarized in a report that includes identified deficiencies and recommendations for improvements. The goal is to ensure a secure, efficient and compliant IT environment.
1. Requirements
We carry out a statement of requirements and classification of your object of protection.
2. Current situation analysis
Based on the classification we obtained, a current situation analysis is made and we dive deep into the requirements. A health check is carried out on the existing environment to see if the requirements are met technically.
3. Action plan
A concrete action plan with measures, selection of products, introduction, handover and training. IT Does Matter.
Areas we cover:
- Firewall & Network Design
- Data protection
- Privacy & Security
- Client protection
- Monitoring
- Behavior patterns
Backup+End Point Protection
Always included in all our packages:
- Installation
- Adaptation
- Training
- Access to ongoing support here via our chat
Get control over your information and back up your data to your own private backup solution
Backup folders, system settings, images, documents and applications as well as images from iPhone and Android phones to your Backup system.
Backup and data protection
In case of computer or software failure, damaged data, ransomware attacks or simply accidental deletion, large amounts of data can be lost. Backups act as insurance when things go wrong.
Backup scheduling
Automate backups for optimal data protection and convenience.
Several versions
Maintain multiple backed-up versions while reducing storage usage with incremental backup.
AES-256-bit encryption is an industry standard that protects data from unauthorized access.
Privacy controls
Scheduled checks to prevent data corruption and ensure your backups are consistent and available when you need them.
Pause and resume backups
When backups are interrupted due to power outages or network problems, they can be paused and resumed automatically.
Apply the 3-2-1 rule
- Have at least 3 copies of your data
- Save data on 2 different media
- Save at least 1 copy elsewhere
Possible option: Offsite Backup
Take control of your information and copy your data to another geographical location in the event of an accident in the form of a burglary or fire.
Antivirus protection - Fortinet EMS (4 licenses year 1 included, thereafter SEK 55/pc/year)
The Unified FortiClient agent provides enhanced security features by adding AI-based next-generation antivirus (NGAV), endpoint quarantine and application firewall, as well as cloud sandbox support, USB device control and ransomware protection.
Key features:
- Antivirus protection: protects against the latest polymorphic attacks, viruses, malware (including ransomware) and other threats
- Client Hardening: Enables vulnerability scanning with automatic patching, software inventory and application firewall for better security
- Advanced Client Protection: Secures endpoints with machine learning anti-malware and behavioral anti-exploitation. Forticlient's firewall and web content filtering feature provides additional protection
Always included in all our packages:
- Installation
- Adaptation
- Training
- Access to ongoing support here via our chat
Get control over your information and back up your data to your own private backup solution
Backup folders, system settings, images, documents and applications as well as images from iPhone and Android phones to your Backup system.
Backup and data protection
In case of computer or software failure, damaged data, ransomware attacks or simply accidental deletion, large amounts of data can be lost. Backups act as insurance when things go wrong.
Backup scheduling
Automate backups for optimal data protection and convenience.
Several versions
Maintain multiple backed-up versions while reducing storage usage with incremental backup.
AES-256-bit encryption is an industry standard that protects data from unauthorized access.
Privacy controls
Scheduled checks to prevent data corruption and ensure your backups are consistent and available when you need them.
Pause and resume backups
When backups are interrupted due to power outages or network problems, they can be paused and resumed automatically.
Apply the 3-2-1 rule
- Have at least 3 copies of your data
- Save data on 2 different media
- Save at least 1 copy elsewhere
Possible option: Offsite Backup
Take control of your information and copy your data to another geographical location in the event of an accident in the form of a burglary or fire.
Antivirus protection - Fortinet EMS (4 licenses year 1 included, thereafter SEK 55/pc/year)
The Unified FortiClient agent provides enhanced security features by adding AI-based next-generation antivirus (NGAV), endpoint quarantine and application firewall, as well as cloud sandbox support, USB device control and ransomware protection.
Key features:
- Antivirus protection: protects against the latest polymorphic attacks, viruses, malware (including ransomware) and other threats
- Client Hardening: Enables vulnerability scanning with automatic patching, software inventory and application firewall for better security
- Advanced Client Protection: Secures endpoints with machine learning anti-malware and behavioral anti-exploitation. Forticlient's firewall and web content filtering feature provides additional protection
Cyber Security Audit
A Cyber Security Audit is a process where IT systems and routines are reviewed and evaluated to ensure that they meet the desired goals, and comply with current standards. The results are summarized in a report that includes identified deficiencies and recommendations for improvements. The goal is to ensure a secure, efficient and compliant IT environment.
1. Requirements
We carry out a statement of requirements and classification of your object of protection.
2. Current situation analysis
Based on the classification we obtained, a current situation analysis is made and we dive deep into the requirements. A health check is carried out on the existing environment to see if the requirements are met technically.
3. Action plan
A concrete action plan with measures, selection of products, introduction, handover and training. IT Does Matter.
Areas we cover:
- Firewall & Network Design
- Data protection
- Privacy & Security
- Client protection
- Monitoring
- Behavior patterns
A Cyber Security Audit is a process where IT systems and routines are reviewed and evaluated to ensure that they meet the desired goals, and comply with current standards. The results are summarized in a report that includes identified deficiencies and recommendations for improvements. The goal is to ensure a secure, efficient and compliant IT environment.
1. Requirements
We carry out a statement of requirements and classification of your object of protection.
2. Current situation analysis
Based on the classification we obtained, a current situation analysis is made and we dive deep into the requirements. A health check is carried out on the existing environment to see if the requirements are met technically.
3. Action plan
A concrete action plan with measures, selection of products, introduction, handover and training. IT Does Matter.
Areas we cover:
- Firewall & Network Design
- Data protection
- Privacy & Security
- Client protection
- Monitoring
- Behavior patterns
WiFi & Network Health check
Not sure if your network is properly configured and secured? Is your WiFi unstable and lacking full coverage? Let's do a health check. You will receive a report with recommended actions to obtain a secure network and optimized WiFi for maximum performance.
We look at:
- Firewall and regulations
- Antivirus protection on computers and firewall
- Intrusion and Ransomware protection
- Design of networks based on area of use
- Your property and location of access points based on distance, load for number of connected devices, as well as materials in the property that can interfere with the quality of WiFi
Not sure if your network is properly configured and secured? Is your WiFi unstable and lacking full coverage? Let's do a health check. You will receive a report with recommended actions to obtain a secure network and optimized WiFi for maximum performance.
We look at:
- Firewall and regulations
- Antivirus protection on computers and firewall
- Intrusion and Ransomware protection
- Design of networks based on area of use
- Your property and location of access points based on distance, load for number of connected devices, as well as materials in the property that can interfere with the quality of WiFi
NetDefense RMM
As a customer of ours, you always have the option of ongoing support here via our chat. But if you still want more, you can choose NetDefense RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management).
We monitor and ensure the operation of your environment and act on ongoing deviations or attacks.
When paying on a monthly basis, you select the option "Monthly basis" and complete a purchase of SEK 995 for month 1. We will then draw up a separate agreement with you for the remaining period and agreed price per month.
Time beyond the agreement (1h/month) is billed continuously per 30 min at SEK 625 excl. VAT.
As a customer of ours, you always have the option of ongoing support here via our chat. But if you still want more, you can choose NetDefense RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management).
We monitor and ensure the operation of your environment and act on ongoing deviations or attacks.
When paying on a monthly basis, you select the option "Monthly basis" and complete a purchase of SEK 995 for month 1. We will then draw up a separate agreement with you for the remaining period and agreed price per month.
Time beyond the agreement (1h/month) is billed continuously per 30 min at SEK 625 excl. VAT.